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Showing 1 - krn 10 of 52. Show 10 | 50 | All results per page.#SubmittedUserIP addressEvent NameOrganization Facilitating EventDate Event BeginsTime Event BeginsTime Event EndsIs the event open to the public?LocationContact Person (email & phone)Event URLDescription of EventEvent Flyer13305/10/2022 - 16:05Anonymous (not verified) am3:20 amBurkina Faso89817542196https://kwork.com/user/elitestarI share with you professional website promotion services. The best price, the work is done within a few days. More than 1500 backlinks are created. Money back guarantee. A professional works through the kwork exchange. Here is the link https://kwork.com/offpageseo/13467403/professional-website-promotion-1500-good-back-links13205/05/2022 - 18:50Anonymous (not verified) am7:55 am86876822844https://t.me/minut60minutesПоследний выпуск "60 минут" эфир сегодня https://t.me/minut60minutes - 60 минут «60 минут» — общественно-политическое ток-шоу13105/05/2022 - 04:29Anonymous (not verified) am2:02 amTogo83756959723Срочный выкуп и срочная продажа квартир в Новосибирске: залоговые и ипотечные, неприватизированные, с долгами по ЖКХ и ФССП, с материнским капиталом, под арестами и с торгов, закроем за вас ипотечные и потребительские кредиты -<a href=https://vk.com/vykup_kvartir_nsk/>срочный выкуп недвижимости в новосибирске</a>9609/28/2021 - 21:05Anonymous (not verified) Life and Times of Dinosaurs Family FunHSU Natural History Museum10/16/202110:00 am12:00 [email protected] Julie Van Sicklehttps://natmus.humboldt.edu/events/life-and-times-dinosaurs-family-funDare to be dazzled by these incredible animals of the past and where they fit into the fossil record. What did they eat? Why did some of them get enormous? Did they really have feathers? Are birds really dinosaurs? Find out the answers to these questions and more and then play dinosaur trivia!The NHM will host this free live virtual event from 10am - noon on Saturday, Oct. 17th. During this program we will explore the world of dinosaurs big and small, from the past to the present, with pictures, games, and exploratory activities. Do you know your dinosaurs? Come explore with us!Pre-registration is required. Visit our website to sign-up9509/28/2021 - 21:02Anonymous (not verified) to Ask Dinosaurs -- An Evening LectureHSU Natural History Museum10/15/20217:00 pm8:15 [email protected] Julie Van Sicklehttps://natmus.humboldt.edu/events/questions-ask-dinosaurs-evening-lectureDinosaur aficionado Elliott Dabill will be presenting "Questions to Ask Dinosaurs," a look at questions answered by science exploring the history of dinosaurs, new findings, the origin of birds, and more. Bring your curiosity and dinosaur questions and invite friends and family to this free live online event hosted by the NHM from 7:00pm-8:15pm.This talk is for dinosaur enthusiast of all ages! Pre-registration is required. Visit our website to register.ES Week Flyer 2021 Resized (21.09.21)_0.pdf (349 KB)9409/28/2021 - 20:59Anonymous (not verified) Science After School Program for Youth ages 8-12HSU Natural History Museum10/11/20214:00 pm5:15 [email protected] Julie Van Sicklehttps://natmus.humboldt.edu/events/earth-science-week-after-school-programCelebrate Earth Science Week with the HSU Natural History Museum (NHM) through a live virtual after school program 4:00 p.m.to 5:15 p.m. daily Monday Oct. 11th - Friday Oct. 16th. These 75 mins. sessions are geared towards children 8-12 years old. Pre-registration is required so we can send a packet of activities and materials.Each day has a theme:Mon. 10/11 - The Incredible Sun. Learn about Earth's engine - the sun - and the incredible energy it generates. Make a visible light spectrum, a string of UV activated beads, and how our star fits into the suite of star types within our galaxy.Tues. 10/12 - Stars and Galaxies. Take a journey through our universe and understand some of the techniques used to study far away objects. During this session you will identify galaxies in a Hubble space telescope image and be introduced to quasars, black holes, red giants, and how to time travel.Wed. 10/13 - Forces of Water. Water has a greater force than you may think and continues to shape our planet. Learn about some of the geographic features that allow us to study the age of the Earth and how to model a watershed along with learning about the properties of water.Thurs. 10/14 - Remarkable Rocks. Do you like rocks? Do you have a favorite rock? This is the time to learn about rocks, get rocks you have at home identified, how they are formed, and learn how rocks can tell an incredible story about the fourth dimension - time.Fri. 10/15 - Fossil Clues. Sequence a series of events that leads to finding a fossil. Go on a journey through time using fossils and identify some of the index fossils used to learn about life on our planet and other amazing fossil finds.ES Week Flyer 2021 Resized (21.09.21).pdf (349 KB)8609/17/2021 - 11:38Anonymous (not verified) Giants of the Jurassic: National Fossil Day Virtual LectureMuseums of Western Colorado10/13/20217:00 pm8:00 pmYesOnline970-242-0971https://museumofwesternco.com/event/lost-giants-of-the-jurassic-national-fossil-day-virtual-lecture/Matt Wedel.jpg (592 KB)8509/17/2021 - 11:35Anonymous (not verified) WalkMuseums of Western Colorado10/13/202110:00 am11:00 amYes3073 F. Rd. Grand Junction, Colorado 81502970-242-0971https://museumofwesternco.com/things-to-do/events/Have you ever wondered what our desert would look like without irrigation? How did people change this desert landscape into an area capable of large scale farming? What is the future of water in Western Colorado?Our museum sites are celebrating Earth Science Week 2021, and the theme of "Water Today and in the Future" with a walking tour at Cross Orchards Historic Site. This water walk will emphasize development, use, and planning for water shortage.This one hour guided walking tour of the irrigation demonstration, orchard, and other aspects of the Cross Orchards Historic Site will be led by Dennis Gorsett, Retired Soil Conservationist, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service who specialized in water use and vegetation management.waterwalk.pdf (358 KB)8208/31/2021 - 15:06Anonymous (not verified) Secrets of GroundwaterThe Forest Preserve District of Cook County10/16/20211:00 pm2:00 pmYesSagawau Environmental Learning [email protected] (630)257-2045https://www.facebook.com/SagawauEven though groundwater supplies about half of the water we use, groundwater is hard to observe and understand. Learn the secrets of groundwater, and how geologists study this precious resource with a short hike. The hike will take place October 16th, 2021. Please register for this event via calling the learning center at (630)257-2045.8108/31/2021 - 15:00Anonymous (not verified) Lake, The Rocks, & The People: The Geoheritage of Lake MichiganForest Preserve District of Cook County10/12/202112:00 pm1:00 pmYesSagawau Environmental Learning [email protected] (630)257-2045https://www.facebook.com/SagawauHow does Lake Michigan define Northeastern Illinois? This lake influences the Geology, the People, and the Wildlife. How will the Lake and the surrounding area be affected by Climate Change? Please check out this Facebook Live Broadcast at 12:00 pm CDT on October 12th, 2021. The Broadcast will go live on the Sagawau Environmental Learning Center Facebook page. (Link: https://www.facebook.com/Sagawau)

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